
Appeal to Heaven is the mission of praying to God, everyday.  It's about calling on God, as our last hope as a nation, to reclaim our country from the corruption, special interest groups, and the culture of depravity.  

Take up the mission, hang the Appeal to Heaven flag in your home or on your flag pole to remind yourself to pray for our country daily. 

Recommended Prayer Topics:
Pray for Godly men and women to be placed in leadership in Congress
Pray for a Godly president
Pray for the truth to shine through the lies of the mainstream media
Pray for those led astray by sinful behaviors
Pray for pop icons who spread filth in the media
Pray for children in public schools
Pray for the universities and colleges across the country
Pray for the Supreme Court members, for wise decisions
Pray for drug addicts, alcoholics, and the spread of such evils.
Pray for liberty instead of tyranny.
Pray for people to turn away from apathy to action.

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