Action Organizations

Liberty Counsel - This organization is taking a bold stand for religious liberty, please support them and take action. 

The Center for Medical Progress - This organization exposed Planned Parenthood in their undercover videos.  Please support them monetarily, and raise awareness.  Planned Parenthood is attacking them full force.

The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice - This is an organization that advocates for school vouchers.  This is a vital step to get our children out of public schools, a.k.a. naturalism indoctrination centers.  Please support them, today.  

The Mises Institute - an institute founded in 1982 dedicated to educating the public on the value of free market economics.

Campaign for Liberty - A political organization that supports personal liberty in the USA.

Freedom Works - a wonderful organization supporting liberty, lower taxes, and less government.

Focus on the Family - Christian organization 

Value Voters Summit - conservative Christian summit 

The Heritage Foundation - conservative think tank.

Media Research Center - an institute exposing and neutralizing media bias. 

The Cato Institute - an organization that I support, propagating an ideology of libertarianism. 

Young Americans for Liberty - A political organization in support of personal liberty.

Prager University - a free place to learn about the world from a conservative perspective.

The Ron Paul Institute - an organization dedicated to promoting free market economics, peace, prosperity, and liberty.

Liberty Institute - An organization that actively supports religious liberty, I'm a firm supporter of Liberty Institute.

ACLJ  - The ACLJ is a religious liberties ministry that advocates for religious freedom in the USA.

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