Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Chief Danger for Christian Charities

I think the chief concern for any major charity organization, especially one based in Christianity ought to be to maintain a conservative Christian stance. Many organizations have faded from their Christian origins, like Goodwill, the Red Cross, YMCA, and many others. Many universities founded as Christian organizations, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia were secularized slowly over time by misguided people in high leadership positions. The conservative giant, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary once was faced by a growing liberal theology turning from all the core precepts of the faith, and it took Albert Mohler, a young Christian placed at it's head to bring a sea change. In fact during Mohler's venture there was a sort of "vote of no confidence" in the seminary leader, Mohler, and at the time only 4 faculty members voted for Mohler, the other 86 voted to oust him. But Dr. Mohler won the day, and the institution was returned, right at the brink, from turning into something else entirely. Thank God for that, otherwise it might being turning out secular humanist chaplains today, like Harvard does. Scary stuff. Gotta stay grounded.

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