Tuesday, December 22, 2015

15 Reasons Why the Obama Presidency has been a Gross Failure

It's been almost eight years since
Democratic President Barack H. Obama took office.  We the American
people had been exhausted by the corrupt Bush administration and were
desperate for something different.  We thought we had found it in Barack
Obama, an inspiring junior Senator who spoke very well from the
podium.  Yet little has changed in America, and it seems our would-be
watershed dissolved into a bucket of trouble.

It should be noted that in 2007 and 2008
I identified as a Democrat.  In the 2008 presidential election I voted
for then Senator Barack Obama.  I was a member of a local Young
Democrats group and participated in canvassing for Barack Obama in that
election year.  As a young man with diverse views, and a man who was not
an enemy of President Obama, but supported and voted for him, I believe
my testimony here should be considered sincere and legitimate.  

These are the reasons that I feel and
believe that the Barack Obama presidency has been a gross failure and
disappointment to young, idealistic voters who believed in the phrase
"Change We can Believe In."  

1.  Obama campaigned heavily on
returning to the Constitution, reigning in the surveillance state, and
curbing the assaults on civil liberties.  Instead during his presidency
we've seen increased surveillance, more wiretapping, and increased
regulation in every area of industry.  Even further we've had the IRS
scandal, the NSA wiretapping scandal, and various other increases in
surveillance on everyday Americans.  Recently libertarian conservatives
in the Senate fought to allow the corrupt Patriot Act to expire.  During
2008 Obama campaigned against the Patriot Act and the liberty
violations within it.  Yet as libertarians in the Senate fought to allow
the Patriot Act to expire, President Obama came out in the national
media urging the Senate to re-authorize the Patriot Act.  He became the
chief apologist for the legislation he once decried as unconstitutional.
(Source 1: The Guardian. Source 2: USA Today)

2. Obama campaigned on reforming the
health care system.  There are many views on how this should be done. 
Yet how it was done was very simple: The big insurance companies and
medical industry got together to write a bill that in essence, forces
Americans to purchase health care.  This is not a single payer system
like many European nations have.  It is instead a forced purchase,
leaving no incentive for the medical industry or insurance companies to
lower prices.  The result?  Skyrocketing medical costs and insurance
rates.  Attached to this ugly legislation is the congressional
exemption, meaning Congress wanted out of Obamacare, at least for
themselves and their families. That includes the president and his
family.  The exemption is a blatant violation of the Constitution.  In
addition, Obama perpetrated the lie of the year when he said, "If you
like your doctor you can keep your doctor."  That turned out to be a
lie. (Source 1: The Daily Caller. Source 2: Politifact - Lie of the Year 2013)

3. Obama said that lobbyists would have
no place in his administration, yet today his administration is packed
to the brim with lobbyists from every industry imaginable. (Source: Business Insider)

4. Obama said that whistleblowers need
to be protected and campaigned on protecting whistleblowers.  But the
fact is his administration has gone after whistleblowers even more
severely than the corrupt Bush administration.  It's a disgrace. 
(Source: The Guardian)

5. Senator Obama fought hard against
corporate welfare, but once President he has consistently supported
corporate subsidies.  In fact the entire Democratic party, aside from
Bernie Sanders has followed suit.  Do Democratic voters want corporate
welfare? Absolutely not!  Do Republican voters want corporate welfare? 
Not at all.  No one wants corporate welfare, aside from the lobbyists on
K street.  So the Cromnibus passes and people are dumbfounded.  What in
the world is happening?  It just doesn't make sense and stinks of
corruption.  President Obama could've been the man to take a real stand
against corporate welfare, while he gave it lip service, he did quite
the opposite.  Very disappointing. (Source 1: The Huffington Post Source 2: International Business Times)

6. In 2008 Obama ran against the poor
record of George W. Bush.  Included in that poor record Obama
consistently pointed to Bush's unconstitutional executive orders.  Yet
now President Obama has written just as many executive orders, many of
them pushing hard into the area of making law, which executive orders
may not do.  It's more corruption and illegal extensions of power.
(Source: WhiteHouse.Gov)

7. Obama campaigned on discontinuing the
imperialist nation building in the middle east.  Yet his drone wars in
Pakistan and Yemen killed thousands, and his carpet bombing of Libya
triggered an unstable situation in the region leaving a gap for groups
like ISIS to flourish.  President Obama underestimate ISIS, calling them
contained just before they made serious attacks in Paris. (Source 1: CNN. Source 2: Fox News, 60 Minutes)

8. The redefinition of marriage
perpetrated by Obama's cronies on the Supreme court is a disturbing
example of the most extreme form of judicial activism.  It's lawlessness
and it's wrong.  It sets a terrible example for the rest of the world,
who look to the United States as an example to follow.  The worst part
of this is the growing attacks on religious businesses, religious
organizations, and individuals in public positions who are open about
their Christian faith.  The Obama administration has repeatedly done
nothing to halt this shift against Christianity.  In fact the Obama
administration has pushed for the curtailing of religious liberty. 
President Obama openly supports the idea that gay rights must trump
religious liberty.  It's madness.  And it's the cruelest intolerance
from gay activists who so desperately wanted legitimacy and tolerance.
Now that they have it, they seem bent on punishing Christians who stand
up for their faith.  It's a classic case of the abused becoming the
abuser. (Source 1: The Washington Post.  Source 2: Liberty Institute)

9. When Pope Francis came to visit the
United States, President Obama invited gay pastors, trans-gendered
ministers, pro-abortion priests, and others to the point that the Pope's
media team asked the White House to balance things out because Pope
Francis didn't want it to appear he was endorsing a certain lifestyle
when he visited.  What an embarrassment for our nation. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)

10. The Fast and Furious Scandal. (Source: CNN)

11. The IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups. (Source: The Washington Post)

12. The refusal of the Obama justice
department to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood is quite
astonishing.  Even more astonishing is how the mainstream media
carefully ignored the videos.  The only news outlet that covered them in
any serious way was Fox News.  Even after the release of the undercover
videos, which documented crimes being committed by the organization,
still no investigation was opened by the Obama justice department. 
Simply shocking, and highly partisan.  (Source: LifeNews.com)

13. President Obama campaigned on ending
the corruption on Wallstreet and dealing with the special interest
groups in Washington.  His magnanimous speeches in 2008 inspired us. 
Instead we got a disturbing bait and switch.  We got business as usual
with lobbyists in charge for another eight years.  Obama lended vocal
support to the Occupy movement, while the occupiers were quietly
bulldozed out of the cities where they protested.  Obama did nothing. 
He failed activists fighting for what they believed in. (Source: The Guardian)

14. President Obama doubled the debt during his presidency (currently at 18.792 trillion dollars.) 
There are plenty of political magicians and talking heads out there who
try to minimize the debt problem by talking about Obama reducing the
deficit.  It's so easy to take an angle on statistics to make your work
appear successful.  But the debt is the elephant in the room compared
with the mouse-sized deficit concern. Though it certainly is a valid
concern. (Source: Politifact)

15. The Obama administration policies
have led to over 93 millions Americans no longer participating in the
job market.  This number is so often ignored, probably because it's so
shocking.  In addition the number of Americans on food stamps has risen
by over 15 million during the Obama years. (Source 1: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Source 2: Washington Times)

In conclusion, President Barack Obama a
massive bait and switch by the Democratic establishment.  They fooled me
during my college years in 2007-2009.  I really believed what he said. 
It turns out he was a liar.  President Obama will go down in history as
a corrupt shill. He will be remembered as the quintessential liar n'
chief who stood for nothing but corruption and business as usual in
Washington D.C.  

President Obama has really been a
blessing though, to the Republican party.  In the past eight years of
the Obama administration no less than 910 Democrats have been replaced
by Republicans in local, state, and national level legislatures.  But
our problem in the USA is not a left vs. right problem. It's not about
Democrats vs. Republicans.  It really comes down to a fight between
establishment candidates and grassroots candidates.  The sooner
Democrats and Republicans wake up to the career politicians in both
parties, and take a stand against them, the better chance we will have
at salvaging this catastrophe.  We have to stem the tide of corruption,
lies, and moral decay.  

I pray everyday for a better tomorrow,
and for God to raise up principled men and women to replace the shills
in Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.  I hope you'll join
me in prayer for our nation.  Stay informed and stay active, your
country needs you today.

true that not all the blame can fall on the president when decisions
are made, but it's true that the president is not only the accountable
leader of the country, he is also the commander in chief.  He holds at
least some responsibility, if not all, in these circumstances.)

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