American politics from a Christian Constitutional perspective
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
God Loves a Lost Cause: Mainstream Media Power & the Burgeoning New Media Movement
The symbol of leftist media bias, the New York Times headquarters, via Wikipedia. |
If academia, the scientific community, the mainstream media, celebrities, and late night talk shows have all aligned to tell me to vote Democrat against the evil GOP, well, I might just be a little brainwashed. Amazing how one can feel edgy and alt on a college campus by supporting the politicians supported by everyone else on campus, television, teachers, and media pundits. Very interesting, very interesting.
So we've found ourselves a few weeks from the big day when Donald Trump loses to Hillary Clinton, or so the media tells us. The polls don't look too good though. It's a difficult situation. To grit one's teeth and vote for the outrageous blundering Donald Trump, well, that isn't an easy prospect. Many are turning to Gary Johnson, some are turning to a guy named Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, and still others are looking to Evan McMullin of Utah.
Some of the establishment GOP are saying they intend to vote for Hillary Clinton. Yes, they are that terrible. It's truly amazing the lows that the establishment will go to. Clearly, they are more leftist than conservative. I'm sure very few are surprised.
I'm really quite perturbed with people like Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, the Federalist, and the Resurgent. It's tough because these are basically the people who are the core inner circle of my political beliefs. They represent exactly what we need, exactly the kind of zeal and principle we need to retake America. These folks are in fact my team in every respect. I'll be honest, I'm one of the original, earliest members of the Never Trump movement right when it started during the primaries, when it was between Cruz, Trump, and that little snail-like creature they call "John Kasich." But I just can't abide the way these folks keep trying to undercut Donald Trump. If you aren't going to vote for Trump, well that's fine, but do you have to be out there day in and day out trashing him? Do you have to spend every day manically attacking Trump? For what reason? To do everything possible to slander and attack him? I don't like him either. In fact I despise Trump. But I agree with Mark Levin's argument, this isn't about me, this isn't about me being right, this is about the future of the country. These folks like to undercut the idea that this election is critical, saying you know they say that every election. Well maybe so, but the facts are clear, this election is critical, we are at a fundamental turning point. The Supreme Court, they try to undercut that argument, but it's a solid argument. These leftist activist judges will take the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and much more. They openly declare as much. Is that hard to understand? No, it's quite clear. In addition, if open borders continues, with illegal immigrants crossing the border, being pushed toward red states, well, soon the country will be unrecoverable. It's not about you, your ego, or even your hatred for what Trump represents. Put your country before your reputation.
That's my thought on that. Trump is a catastrophe, his comments about women are despicable. But his policies and positions are reasonable in quite a few areas. His tax plan is solid. His SCOTUS picks are solid. He's surrounding himself with people like Pence. The GOP platform is firmly conservative. Will Trump follow it? I have no idea. But I know exactly what Hillary will do. And anyway, these people who refuse to vote Trump were willing to pull the trigger for people like John McCain and Mitt Romney, people who have supported the most radically high spending in the Senate, the most radical progressive agendas, they've rubber stamped and gone along with, with people like Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid. Your telling me Donald Trump is worse on policy than those low lifes? Maybe you don't fully understand what goes on in our House and Senate.
So we've got problems on our team, within the conservative movement. But I firmly believe that conservatism is making a huge comeback. We've seen wonderful things coming together, we really have. We are seeing young people increasingly identifying themselves as conservative and libertarian. We are seeing an increasing push back against the failed policies of the progressive left. We saw AFA and FRC fighting and WINNING the battles for the Republican platform at the RNC, creating the most conservative platform we've seen in recent history. We still have that toad Rhence Priebus gathering untold power to himself and his office at the RNC, but in time we'll deal with him.
We've seen principled folks, everyday americans, and Christians getting involved in politics again. We've seen Reagan conservatives, Tea Party, evangelical voters, old guard, libertarians, and conservatarians all coalescing into a new and vibrant conservative movement. We've seen liberals departing the left, becoming libertarians who are gathering with conservatives. We've seen many who once considered themselves democrats turning to conservatism because the left has gone so far left. We've seen the formation of all kinds of new media to challenge the left wing media, websites like Drudge, Breitbart, National Review, the Daily Wire, the Daily Signal, Life News, Life Site News, the Resurgent, the Federalist, Western Journalism, PragerU, The Stream, Charisma News, the Christian Post, the Daily Caller, and many others. On the radio there is Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck. Through Youtube and internet shows and radio we see great programs like The Andrew Klavan Show, the Ben Shapiro Show, Louder with Crowder, Rebel Media, The Blaze, Breitbart Media, the Eric Metaxas Show, the Dennis Prager Show, and many others. But the truth is we're still not reaching enough everyday Americans to turn the tide. That could change over time though.
We have a problem in the United States, quite a few actually, but the one key during this election is the mainstream media. That's what I mean when I say the "old media." The mainstream media as a term is often attributed to the firmly left wing television news companies including CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, and MSNBC. Also included are big newspapers like The New York Times, USA Today, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and Bloomberg. One could also include radio like NPR and the CBS radio network. More recently added to this conglomeration of left wing news are websites like the Huffington Post, Politico, Snopes, Politifact, Salon, Yahoo! News, Media Matters, Occupy Democrats, and of course, Gawker. It's important to remember additionally that major search engines and social media sites also tend to lean hard left, most prominently Facebook, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, and Yahoo.
It's also important to remember that many of the largest and most powerful businesses in the United States are left wing. Some of the largest include Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Pepsi, Progressive Insurance, American Express, Starbucks, Pfizer, Ben & Jerrys, Liberty Mutual, Nike, Morgan Stanley and hundreds of others. For a full list just Google companies that boycotted North Carolina for refusing to allow boys in the girls bathroom. Or Google companies that directly fund Planned Parenthood. If it feels like the whole world is against you, well, that's pretty much it.
This is our problem to deal with. And each of us can make a difference. I cancelled my Cable a long time ago, and I encourage you to do the same. Make use of the internet for your news. Subscribe to alternative news sites, and encourage your friends to do so also. Build a presence on social media and advocate for conservative and Christian values in the public square. Many could've just thrown up their hands a long time ago, and said it's over these companies are too powerful, the television is too powerful, but conservatives never gave up, they took the truth onto the web and built a vast movement that is now challenging the leftist narrative on a daily basis. Keep fighting, keep sharing the truth, keep praying, because God loves a lost cause.
The tides are turning. If it had been almost anyone else, especially a Ted Cruz or a Marco Rubio, this election would've been much difference. But for now it looks like Donald Trump may lose to the awful, terrible, corrupt Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is truly terrible, her policies are a nightmare; more spending, more bailouts, higher taxes, inheritance tax, gay marriage, gender ideology, no vouchers for school choice, abortion up to and including partial birth abortion, and of course weak and naive foreign policy. Hillary Clinton sold her position as secretary of state for donations to the Clinton Foundation. Imagine a White House that sells itself to the highest bidder. Imagine pay to play at that kind of level! It's truly a terrifying thought. People are afraid of a Trump presidency, because the left has gone so far as to call Trump "literally Hitler" but it's nonsense. Trump is no Hitler, he's a business man, a lewd, nasty, immoral business man, but nowhere approaching the corruption of Hillary Clinton.
All that said, we will probably have Hillary Clinton as president. Oddly enough this could be a good thing to the movement that is being formed through conservative organizations and new media. But it will only be a good thing if we can somehow hold on to what little is left of the Constitution. People make it out like somehow this is just an average election, a normal time to be an American, and all the talk of "the end is near" is overblown, well, much of it is. But then again, the facts are quite clear, the national debt is massive, the Supreme Court rulings are on the edge of chaos, the presidency has gathered far too much power, and the rule of law is in the toilet with most everyday Americans believing that there are two sets of rules, one for them and one for the elite. This isn't normal, this isn't an everyday election, I think there is a solid case for the suggestion that we are at a pivotal moment in our nation's history. The Constitution has never been under attack like it is today. But maybe, just maybe, with the blessing of God we can turn the tide and form a new movement to defeat this leftist marxist nightmare threatening to turn America into a weak, second-rate nation of debt and big government control of everything. The danger is real, but the conservative movement is coming out swinging.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
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Friday, October 7, 2016
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