Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ben Shapiro's Trump Presidency Alt Right Apocalypse Scenario doesn't hold Water

Ben Shapiro Image cc 2.0 via Flickr

Ben Shapiro outlines his argument often enough for not supporting Donald Trump. I don't support Trump either, just for the record. But his scenario I think is unlikely. 

His argument tends to be:

1. Trump is not a conservative (100% true)
2. Trump is associated with the Alt Right (a reasonable assertion)
2. A Trump presidency would be a disaster (likely)
3. Therefore a disastrous Trump presidency would slander conservatism for a generation, 40+ years.

The premises in his argument are pretty good, aside from the last. Ben Shapiro suggests that Trump would destroy the Republican party for a generation, for 40 years plus. I'd contest that statement along the following lines: 

1. The public is extremely fickle, and there is not a lot of memory regarding political history. In short, the Trump phenomenon will be old news in 10-20 years. 

2. If the GOP could be ruined by a bad president, it would've already happened with the disastrous George W. Bush presidency. 

3. The alt right is certainly a danger, but the likelyhood of some racist reemergence isn't great, it's small, even if a Trump presidency takes place. 

4. It is unlikely that people would point back and blame conservatives for backing a Trump figure who turns out to be a bad president. And even if some in the media do, it's a lame argument and it wouldn't find traction with the American public. People understand politics makes strange bedfellows. And see premise 1.

5. There are no previous presidencies that have smeared a party, Democrat or Republican for a generation. The premise lacks historical examples.

Sorry Ben, your Trump presidency alt-right apocalypse scenario is far fetched at best.

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