Saturday, September 10, 2016

Establishment vs. Outsiders

In any given situation, in business, organizations, or most especially government we've seen a general divide taking place, between the establishment and the outsiders. And I think there are some divides even within that dichotomy. In the establishment you have two sides, on the far outside left you have the establishment elitists. They are people who are in charge, they're powerful, entrenched, and they have little interest in the "common folk." They are self interested, though they try to portray themselves as anything but. Second you have the principled establishment, this person is part of the establishment, which means they have to compromise and help out the elitists, and in exchange, at least some of their more moderate and grassroots initiatives get through as well. They tend to try to compromise for the betterment, but in so doing they end also participating as part of the elite. Third you have the moderate. They act as sort of ambassadors, attempting to walk the middle path between establishment and outsider. They pass between both worlds, bowing to the establishment yet also rallying with the grassroots. Fourth you have the principled outsider, this individual acts as a sentinel, rejecting the establishment, moving with grassroots entirely, but being centered on values and principles. Fifthly you have the rebel outsider. This is the individual who is the purest form of outsider, not so much looking to uphold principles or values, but simply looking to fight the establishment and rally in a revolutionary manner.
Here are some examples of each category that I've noticed:

1. Establishment Elitist - Karl Rove or George Soros, Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush.
2. Principled Establishment - Ben Carson, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Mike Huckabee or possibly Paul Ryan.
3. Moderate Ambassador - Rand Paul, Dinesh D'Souza, Jeff Sessions, Marco Rubio
4. Principled Outsider - Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders
5. Outsider Rebel - Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Elizabeth Warren

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